This is a very cute and inexpensive craft to spruce up your home during the drab winter. I found that after my Christmas stuff was all put away, I had nothing to spruce up my home until Valentines Day came.
Wooden Blocks (you can find pre-cut packages at your local craft store)
Vinyl Lettering
Scrapbook paper
Embellishments (ribbon, jewels, buttons, etc.)
Glue Gun
How To:
Step 1: Sand blocks to create a smooth surface.
Step 2: Paint blocks color of your choice to coordinate with your paper.
Step 3: Trace blocks onto paper. Make sure to alternate colors and patterns to your preference.
Step 4: When you cut out your paper, cut it an 1/8 inch smaller than the line you traced to make sure the modgepodge will seal paper to blocks. It also give a nice decorative edge to you paper with the painted blocks showing on the sides.
Step 5: Apply a thin layer of modgepodge to the block. Work out any bubbles and let dry. (The thinner the layer of modgepodge=less bubbles)
Step 6: Apply your vinyl lettering followed by another thin layer of modgepodge to seal everything.
Step 7: Using the hot glue gun apply embellishments to your preference.