Thursday, February 24, 2011

Easy Jewelry Board

There are thousands of tutorials on Jewelry Boards all over blogland and the majority of them are made with chicken wire. I thought that was the only way to do it until I was inspired by this tutorial on Young & Crafty. Instead of chicken wire she used lace! Genious! I was all for the lace idea but instead I used white tule so it was a little firmer to hang my necklaces on.

Old frame
Spray paint
1/2 yrd tule
Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
Lace and material scraps to make embelishments
Self tap hooks
S hooks

How To:
Step #1: Spray paint old frame to desired color.
Step #2: Tack the tule tightly in place with the glue gun and trim excess tule off.
Step #3: Screw in the hooks along the bottom of the frame.
Step #4: Embelish the frame with scraps and lace to preferance.

View the tutorial on Young & Crafty for different ideas!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mint Brownie Recipe

These Brownies are so DELICIOUS!!!
This is my great aunt Kae's recipe and a family favorite! I thought I'd share this recipe because they are to die for so...ENJOY!!!
How To:
MiNt BrOwNiE ReCiPe
Boil together than cool:
2 cubes butter
4 Tbls Cocoa
1 Cup Water
In a mixing bowl combine the following:
2 Cups Sugar
2 Cups Flour
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Vanilla
2 Eggs
1/2 Sour Milk (add 1 tsp of vinegar to milk to sour)
Chocolate mixture and beat together.
Poor brownie mix into a greased and floured cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
Cool and frost with the following...
1 cube softened butter
1 lb powdered sugar
2 Tbls Cream or Milk
1 tsp Vanilla
1/4 tsp Mint Flavoring (optional but highly recommended)
Melt 1 to 2 Chocolate bars and drizzle over brownies.
Cut brownies to spread cchocolate.
Refrigerate for 1 hour.

I think they are best served chilled but they are delicious either way!!!
Hope you enjoy :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taco Pie Casserole

1 lb cooked ground beef
1 can of chili
1/2 packet of taco seasoning
1/4 cup of water
1 can of corn
6oz sour cream
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
Frito's corn chips
1 pkg crescent rolls

How To:
Step 1: In a medium sauce pan fry hamburger and drain. Add water and taco seasoning and stir. Add chili and corn, stir and let warm while continuing onto the next step.

Step 2: In a greased 9x13 pan roll out crescent rolls and press firmly to bottom of pan while creating a 1/4 inch lip on the sides. Crush enough Frito chips to cover the crescent roll and press firmly into rolls.
(cover entire bottom)

Step 3: Pour the beef mixture into the pan and spread evenly. Then add sour cream and spread evenly as well.
(note: sour cream spreads easier when added immediately after the hot beef mixture)

Step 4: Add shredded cheese to your "cheesiness" likening. Cover with crushed Frito chips and press firmly together.

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Bake Time: uncovered @ 350 for 20-25 minutes
(just long enough to cook the rolls)

Served great with a green salad!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Winter Craft

This is a very cute and inexpensive craft to spruce up your home during the drab winter. I found that after my Christmas stuff was all put away, I had nothing to spruce up my home until Valentines Day came.

Wooden Blocks (you can find pre-cut packages at your local craft store)
Vinyl Lettering
Scrapbook paper
Embellishments (ribbon, jewels, buttons, etc.)
Glue Gun

How To:
Step 1: Sand blocks to create a smooth surface.
Step 2: Paint blocks color of your choice to coordinate with your paper.
Step 3: Trace blocks onto paper. Make sure to alternate colors and patterns to your preference.
Step 4: When you cut out your paper, cut it an 1/8 inch smaller than the line you traced to make sure the modgepodge will seal paper to blocks. It also give a nice decorative edge to you paper with the painted blocks showing on the sides.
Step 5: Apply a thin layer of modgepodge to the block. Work out any bubbles and let dry. (The thinner the layer of modgepodge=less bubbles)
Step 6: Apply your vinyl lettering followed by another thin layer of modgepodge to seal everything.
Step 7: Using the hot glue gun apply embellishments to your preference.

Rustic Door Redo



After moving into our home I was so excited to find this old door in the garage! It immediately went on my to do list. I had plans to put Revelations 3:20 on this glass... vinyl after scraping the paint specks off of it. Well that plan was short lived when the glass shattered as i was almost finished! (cue frustration!!!)

After much deliberation I decided to fill the hole with the same scripture framed on burlap. So then began the process!

Step 1: Sand edges and thicker paint spots (sanding is not one of my favorites so I like to cut corners)
Step 2: Paint entire door with base color of choice. Let dry and apply 2nd coat.
Step 3: Distress door by sanding edges to your preference.
Step 4: Distress entire door with a stain of your choice. Let dry. (I had black on hand so I just used what I had.) Tip: apply streaks of  stain in small areas and smudge and smear with a dry cloth so create different shades and tones.
Step 5: Apply clear coat to seal.
Step 6: I took the original door knobs and spray painted them black to match my new door.

For those of you that have a Silhouette this process would be much easier than how I had to do it.  
Step 1: Create a stencil of your scripture.
Step 2: Using acrylic paint, stencil letters onto the burlap.
Step 3: Center the burlap onto the frame. Tack down with a hot glue gun.
Step 4: Trim excess burlap and tack frame to the door by your choice in preference. (I used a nail and hung it on the door for a more impermanent solution in case I decide to do something different latter on.)

And Waalaa!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Family Name Monogram Wreath

Last name wood initial (Hobby Lobby $1)
Twig wreath (Hobby Lobby $7)
Scrapbook paper
Brown paint
Glue gun

How To:
Step 1: Trace initial onto paper and cut out. (Note: Reverse both initial and paper to trace)
Step 2: Paint edges of wooden initial. Let dry.
Step 3: Apply a thin layer of modgepodge to right side of initial. Apply paper initial to the wood and press firmly working out any bubbles or wrinkles. Let dry for 2 minutes.
Step 4: Apply a thin layer of modgepodge on top of paper to give a smooth finish and to seal edges. work out any bubbles as needed. (Note: the less modgepodge you use the less bubbles you will get)
Step 5: Once modgepodge is completely dry, center initial onto wreath and hot glue in place.

What a very inexpensive and fast way to show your family pride and spruce up your home!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Shephard's Pie

This dish has always been one of my favorites growing up and has become an even bigger favorite now that I'm married and have to cook all the time. This dish is so fast and so easy plus its very healthy and combines 3 of your 5 food groups in one dish! Now you can't beat that!

How To:
Step 1: In a large frying pan, cook ground beef and drain.
Step 2: Reduce heat to medium-low. Add Tomato soup and water, stir.
Step 3: Add corn and green beans. Salt and pepper to taste.
Step 4: While veggies are cooking, make your instant potatoes according to box instructions.
(If you're really ambitious you can make real mashed potatoes...but I like easy so I chose instant)
Step 5: Dollop potatoes on top of meat and veggies. Grate cheese to cover potatoes and let melt.

Serve with a green or fruit salad and biscuits.